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APCUPSD, InfluxDB and Home Assistant

A recent change to the layout of my house (aka I moved the office to a different room) got me redoing much of my homelab. It also got me thinking, as I unplugged the Nth server from the UPS, that I have what some might consider 'too many' servers.

That, in turn, got me thinking about things like power usage, the gobs of heat these things generate, and the cost of it all running near 24/7. At least from the standpoint of electricity costs.

Learning about the Matrix

I've been trying to get out into more Open Source communities of late. A good number of them are using Matrix as the chat platform for interacting with the community. I used to have a Matrix account, but it is lost to the sands of time. So a couple days ago I went to create a new one, but sadly the username I wanted was taken. What was I to do!?

Oh, and this is not really a how-to guide and there is a decent amount of info left out of this, so don't expect to go from 0 to Matrix using this blog post.