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Squidblog Features: Listing Posts

Found some more time to play around with this project and add a new feature. Well...I added it a little bit ago but I'm just now blaggin' about it.

You can now list posts! Complete with some flags to list more details about the posts 🎉

Squidblog Features: Authors

I first started writing this tool with only myself as the target user, so there had been some hard-coded quinns in the codebase to save time. I've since started working towards making it a tool that is targeted at anyone who wants to use it.

Writing a CLI to Help me Blog More

I'm not a big fan of using a GUI/WebUI for creating or editing markdown files...or really any plain-text file for that matter. I live in the Terminal most days and I want to limit the amount of time I have to spend context switching. So, in an effort to increase my blog output AND to scratch an itch, I'm developing a simple program that I hope will help me blog just a bit more.

Migrated to MkDocs

So I took the plunge after putting it off for...years. Not sure what got me motivated to do this but I'm off of Ghost now.

I started using Ghost on November 19th of 2013, and here we are 9 years and 364 days later.