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This is way out of date now

The information in this post is so out-dated that I wonder why I'm keeping it around. I guess I'm a digital hoarder...

I like retro terminals. There, I said it. If it makes me some form of Techno-Hipster, then I shall accept my fate.

When feeling uber-nerdy, I would load up phosphor from xcreensaver and run a terminal session it it.

/usr/lib/xscreensaver/phosphor -program bash -scale 2 -delay 1000


Then, I found this.

I am now in terminal-hipster Nirvana!!

Building on Arch

First we need to grab some dependencies.

pacman -S qt5-base qt5-declarative qt5-quickcontrols qt5-graphicaleffects

Now clone down the project from GitHub and compile.

git clone
cd cool-old-term

Now you should be able to run it with ./cool-old-term

Building on Fedora (Not Working)

First we need to grab some dependencies.

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install gcc-c++ qt5-qtbase qt5-qtdeclarative qt5-qtquickcontrols qt5-qtgraphicaleffects

Now clone down the project from GitHub and compile.

git clone
cd cool-old-term

Now you should be able to run it with ./cool-old-term, but sadly you will more than likely get a core dump. source

Cool-Old-Term in Action

Tried making a gif for this...but after my laptop damn near locked up after creating a 130 megabyte gif file...I went with this small jpeg instead.

Maybe I'll update with youtube links later..
